[joomla] Re: February Meeting

Mark Simko masimko at
Wed Feb 13 11:52:49 EST 2008

> >> Is 
> V-day 
> a 
> big 
> deal 
> anyway???
> Well, I've always considered Valentine's Day and my birthday to be the two most important holidays of the year :-) but since the rest of the world doesn't seem to share my point of view on this, I've learned to accept it as fairly ordinary days. :-)

That is just too funny! roflmao!

> I could come in tomorrow if anyone still wants to have
> a small little get together (whoever shows up is fine,
> but no formal presentations) if you want...

> I think we should do it, even if it's an informal meeting, just to make sure these meetings don't fall by the wayside.  There's always going to be scheduling problems with some people some months.

OK, I'll be there. December's meeting was also a small one, but I think
it is important to keep a regularity about the meetings anyway.

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