[nycphp-talk] a question about uploading pictures
Tim Lieberman
tim_lists at o2group.com
Sun Mar 16 18:57:39 EDT 2008
You have options, of course.
As David said in his reply -- to do this in PHP, you'll need to get the
file onto the server before doing any checking/fixing.
Assuming you're already familiar with php file uploading, you can start
here: http://www.php.net/gd -- gd is pretty handy.
Read the docs for gd, and decide how to proceed. The easiest way for
you to go is to just enforce some rules on the user. Tell the user that
the files must be (for example) jpeg or png, 300 pixels wide by 300
pixels tall. Your form-processing script can inspect the files, and
either accept them if they meet requirements, or display an error and
tell the user to try again.
However, there's really no reason you shouldn't help the user out. If
you want 300x300 images, there's no reason to reject a 600-pixel-square
image. You can use the gd functions to scale it down on the server.
Having done this about a dozen times with different rules, I can warn
you up front -- give yourself plenty of time to implement this -- and do
your best to think through your requirements and how to approach
enforcing them before you start to code. There are lots of decisions
you'll need to make.
chad qian wrote:
> I will let user upload 3 pictures to the backend database first.Then
> these 3 pictures will be displayed on the web page later.
> My question is:
> Do I have to setup rules about uploading pictures,like the size,the
> pixels?I want these 3 pictures to be the same format(size,pixels..)
> when displayed on internet.So do I need to tell user how pictures
> should be when they do upload or I program php to change the
> properties of pictures?Of course,pictures must be visable,not too big
> or too small, on the web page.
> Thanks!
> chad
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